Nakita Rees-Wilson, RMT

Registered Massage Therapist

Location: Cambridge

Nakita received her Bachelor of Applied Health Science in Athletic Therapy from Sheridan College after completing an Honours Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology at the University of Waterloo. Working as a student therapist with a variety of varsity teams is what fueled her passion for Athletic Therapy. She continued to grow her skill-set and education at the Ontario College of Health and Technology where she completed her Registered Massage Therapy certification. Nakita is both an optimistic and enthusiastic therapist with a passion for exercise-based rehabilitation and helping others reach their best overall health & wellness.

As the recipient of the OATA student scholarship for career promise within the profession in her second year at Sheridan College, Nakita knew what she was meant to do after graduation. As the owner & sole Athletic Therapist at ATFirst Therapy, Nakita is both diligent in her practice and committed to the growth of the profession. Immediately after becoming Certified, Nakita wasted no time before opening her doors. Being a competitive dancer and teacher for the last 25 years, she has seen her fair share of injuries in young athletes & knew this was where she was meant to grow herself as an Athletic Therapist. She currently is both a working RMT and Athletic Therapist at her own practice, another clinical practice in Cambridge, and at a spa as a sole RMT. Nakita’s main area of practice is performance sports athletes and bridging the gap between healthy movement and the demands of their sport.

Nakita is a strong believer in life-long learning and is always ready to help further her knowledge both as a practitioner and advocate for Athletic Therapy. Her passion for the profession and her dedication is what fuels her to become better each day – within her practice and with her patients.

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