The Pampered PAP

Location: Kitchener

Ladies – is it that time again where you start to dread going to the doctor for a PAP test? I know I have been there – making every attempt to especially avoid the situation at all costs. But did you know that Naturopathic Doctors can perform a PAP test for you? We take the discomfort, stress and dread out of the whole procedure.

Why is it called the Pampered Pap?  Our goal is to create an environment that is calm, comfortable and educational where you feel safe and you aren’t rushed.

Our philosophy is to provide women with empowerment by educating them about their bodies while giving them an opportunity to be comfortable during physical exams related to the reproductive system. It is important to us, that women get an opportunity to learn about their body and ample time with their doctor to ask questions and discuss any gynaecological concerns.

We are here to help! We are passionate about providing our patients with a comfortable medical environment.

When should you get a PAP test?

We recommend getting a PAP test every 3 years if you are between the ages of 21-65 and have been sexually active. Women who are not sexually active by the age of 21 should wait for cervical cancer screening until sexually active (Cancer Care Ontario). The best time to have the test done is 2 weeks after the first day of your menstrual cycle. However, anytime is better than not doing the test.

Why is a PAP test important?

A PAP test exam is an important screening test in the early detection of abnormal (including pre-cancerous or cancerous) conditions of the cervix. If detected early, cervical cancer may be treated with more success.

What to expect during the appointment:

The PAP visit will start off with an explanation of the exam. This will be followed with 5-10 minutes to prepare with some calm and relaxing music and will end with a cup of warm tea if you so wish!


  • First part of the exam is an external examination to assess the structures.
  • Second part of the exam is the speculum exam where a sample of cells from the cervix will be taken for the PAP analysis.
  • Third part of the exam is the bimanual exam where the uterus and ovaries will be assessed if necessary.

Which practitioners offer a PAP test?

Currently, we have a Naturopathic Doctor and Nurse Practitioner who are offering PAP tests. Both are female practitioners.

Service Providers

Dr. Carole Chueng, ND
Dr. Carole Chueng, ND

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

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Tamara Armoogan, NP

Nurse Practitioner

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