Breast Cancer Awareness

October is breast cancer awareness month. Most people have had a thought, a worry, that they may have breast cancer, or a member in their family who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Early screening can be afforded to many North Americans, however, screening guidelines are not perfect. In addition, learning about our breasts through breast self-exams on a regular (monthly) basis and the risks that may predispose us are important to lower the risk of cancer and cancer recurrence. Nutrition and an exercise program should be part of any treatment plan to enhance quality of life with or without a diagnosis.

Some interesting facts:

  • Diet may play a role: a higher consumption of ultra processed foods is slightly related to a higher risk of breast cancer.
  • Yoga can downregulate cortisol and markers of inflammation (like TNF-α, IL-6, TNF-RII and IL-1β) immediately afterwards.
  • Being in and around greenness helps to alleviate the negative impact of air pollution on breast cancer
  • If you are 50 to 74 years old, the Ontario Breast Screening Program recommends a mammogram every 2 years.

At Sage Naturopathic Clinic, you can find support from an integrative and research-led team of healthcare practitioners. A thorough discussion about health goals are a key step toward improving a person’s quality of life and optimizing their breast health.


Dr. Carole Chueng, ND

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