Why The Sage Retreat?

Why The Sage Retreat?

Retreat: (verb) withdraw from enemy forces as a result of their superior power or after a defeat. (noun) a quiet or secluded place in which one can rest and relax Or maybe it simply means a re-introduction to the things you desire. The “treats” for which you long. A retreat day is meant to allow you to take the time you need to be open and to enjoy each moment.

Often, we spend our lives making choices and stuck in habitual patterns. We can feel as if we are separate or different from each other when really, we are all so much more alike. Our society further reinforces the idea that we are alone – alone in our houses, alone in our thoughts, alone in world.

It is our vision that our Sage Retreat on January 21, 2023 will “sweep out the old cobwebs” and give you the space and time to start the new year with new ideas and intentions. We want to remind you that you are not alone. You are unique with unique gifts and your own wisdom. Our role as your health care partners is to work together to find the right balance to be the healthiest version of yourself. And we want to do that in community.

We have structured the day to include speakers and topics that will help to support you where you are. We’ve intentionally allowed for downtime as well so that you can take the time to digest the new information presented to you and to go away feeling refreshed – seeing how easily that healthiest version can be.

When we are children, we experience the world through our senses. Our retreat is intended to help you also return to that child-like state of wonder and help you to consider what you need to experience to fill you up and what you need to let go of? It will be a day of laughter, play and listening, once again, to that inner voice.

Whether you attend our retreat this time, or not, I hope this post reminds you to take the day slowly, with attention and intention – to yourself, to what you long for and to what you dream of so that you can continue to spread your gifts out into into 2023 and beyond.

If you choose to join us on January 21, 2023, I look forward to hosting you on our rural property just outside of Waterloo.

Liz xo

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