Nutrition when Travelling

Nutrition when Travelling

Travelling, whether it be for work or pleasure, can add another layer of difficulty when it comes to nutrition. We are confronted with more things out of our control. If travelling is a regular part of your weekly or monthly routine, the choices you make in those environments will start to impact your body’s functioning. As long as you set healthy food choices as a priority, there are a lot of things you can do to improve your nutrition when travelling.

Here are my top 5 strategies to optimize your nutrition when travelling:

  1. Bring snacks
    Many of us do not think of these before we leave to go to the airport but you can still bring snacks in your carry on. Having snacks on hand will prevent you from buying expensive, poor quality airport food. Some snack ideas include: granola bars, fruit, cut up vegetables, trail mix (nuts and seeds) and dried fruit.
  2. Buy water
    The air in the cabin of plains are kept at a low humidity level (10-20 percent when normal is 30- 40%). Thus, travelling is dehydrating so water intake becomes even more important. Make sure you buy a large bottle of water before you get on the plane and drink throughout the flight to remedy this. While you are at your hotel it is really important to drink filtered water regularly as well. You can pack your favourite water bottle and use that to track your ideal water intake.
  3. Get groceries
    If you are able, look into the location of your hotel before you leave. See if you can find a grocery or convenience store in the vicinity and make a point to go there. Buy yourself healthy snacks such as crackers and hummus and the things listed above. Buy enough filtered water for your stay. Use the fridge in your hotel room to store some food.
  4. Eat your meals with Intention
    What is your intention? How important is eating health to you? If you want to eat better than you CAN. It just takes motivation to do so. Most people know what food/meals are healthy and which are not. Pick meals with lots of vegetables and whole grains (brown rice and quinoa). Pick better quality proteins (chicken, turkey, fish, beans, legumes). Avoid fried foods and processed foods. Be mindful of your dairy and refined wheat products (cheese, white bread). Moderation is ok, excess can increase inflammation and promote weight gain.
  5. Focus on the things you can control
    Sometimes (often) there are not healthy options to choose from. Mindfulness is key. Recognize what it is out of your control and make a good decision the next time you are able to. Think of each diet decision as distinct from one another. Just because breakfast wasn’t healthy, does not mean lunch and dinner need to be too. Try to make up for the unhealthy foods by focusing on healthier options and you can control it. It is fine to treat yourself with something you know isn’t healthy from time to time. This only because a problem is you are making these types of decisions more days of the week then not. When it comes to diet, moderation and balance is key.


Dr. Deanna Walker, ND
Naturopathic Doctor, Clinic Co-Owner
Sage Naturopathic Clinic

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