
The Stress Program

Sage is very excited to announce that enrolment is now open for a new community endeavour that is here to totally revolutionize your relationship with and response to stress. We’ve teamed up with Dr. Heather Robinson, ND and her signature program that helps you to methodically tackle the absolute foundations of health to truly change[...]

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Recipe: The Green Smoothie

If one of your goals for 2023 is to eat healthier, green smoothies are a must! By incorporating protein, good fats and greens, not only do you get some fruits and vegetables in your diet, you will also benefit from increased energy and better skin! Green Smoothies Will Help You: Boost your immune system Increase[...]

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SMART Goals – 2023

We’re firmly into the first month of the year. You may already be working hard towards the goals you’ve set out for yourself this year but the reality is, that most New Year’s resolutions don’t stick. By the end of March,  most people have given up on their goals and gone back to their old[...]

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Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

Well, it is that time of year again.  It is time to enjoy eggnog, chocolate, turkey and stuffing.  Most Canadians will put on some weight over the holidays and as we all know, it is much more fun to gain the weight than to lose.   We all want to enjoy the treats of the season,[...]

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Menopause- What is happening to Me?

Menopause (more accurately- perimenopause) is such a transitional time for women. Most women feel the shift in their hormones and ‘stop feeling like themself’. Many start to struggle with their ability to cope through their days, a task that was much simpler for them in the past. There are 2 main hormonal changes happening that[...]

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Andropause (Male Menopause)

Just like women, men also experience hormonal fluctuations as they age. In women, age related hormonal fluctuations is known as menopause. Further, while it is not commonly known, men can undergo a menopause like experience. This experience, or phenomenon, is known as andropause, or “male menopause”. Generally, in older men, testosterone levels slowly start declining.[...]

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Surviving The Holidays

I have to admit, stuffing is one of my all time favorite holiday foods and I won’t say no to jam cookies either, but if you follow some simple rules you won’t have to either! The holidays are a time of year that we all look forward to in terms of socializing with friends and[...]

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Nutritious Lunch Box Recipes

The second half of summer is already here, and with it, the school year is fast approaching. Many of you may start looking for some nutritious lunch box ideas, so today, we are sharing two child-friendly recipes that will provide energy throughout the day, enhance concentration and strengthen their immune system. Younger kids love cut-up[...]

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Back-to-School – Supplementing for Success

While summer typically involves tons of fun, spontaneity, and adventure, it can also mean a loss of routine, irregular eating, and lots of indulging. Oftentimes returning to school can be a good opportunity to reintroduce some health-supportive habits, or begin incorporating some efforts for the first time. When it comes to supplementation, being selective is[...]

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